WorkTrace is a well-established as a provider of pure web-based solutions for International Mail management and postal EDI messaging. In today's mobile, cost-squeezed and rapidly changing environment, the WorkTrace approach of openness, flexibility, sofware as service gives valuable advantages: speedy set-up, no heavy initial investment,scalabilty and modularity (you only pay for what you need). | WorkTrace Solutions A compelling mix of performance, flexibility, reliability, rapid roll-out and low total cost. |
Why WorkTrace?Worktrace is a logistics management and control system. It is different for many reasons from other systems claiming the same capability. Not only does it cover postal parties but it also connects to 3rd party logistic providers and to private clients of the Post, both small and large. It covers international postal products , national postal products and private products to a specific Post. Of course it supports management of postal items such as receptacles, consignments, despatches but it has capability to manage 3rd party private entities such as articles with mail items, or private consignment/despatch definitions. This openness carries through to bar-coding (standard or non-standard), peripherals and is an integral part of the WorkTrace philosophy. In fact Worktrace aims for continual innovation and improvement, anticipating the need for change and adaptation of its Postal customers. | |