Increasing client sophistication and increasing competition drives demands on logistics quality ever higher. Every individual item is important. Logistics management is not desk work. A logistics manager is where the action is which means in many places at different times.
A Postal Office of Exchange manager needs to know if a Registered bag was not received on time, without looking through information on all bags arriving. Clients of the Post or couriers need to be informed that an important parcel arrived without having to constantly look for it via Track & Trace.
So how then to help the logistics manager and client not to drown in volumes of information? How to bring just the important information right to him/her ?
The answer is the modern paradigm of "Alert" and wireless communication.
How it works
At the basis of the system is a set of definitions of events, targets, physical units and messages.
Alert definition
WorkTrace allows a sophisticated definition of what logistics events, under what circumstances will generate alert messages. As actual events take place, a background process watches them.
When the pre-defined conditions take place, such as delayed scanning of a registered item, or arrival of a parcel to a distribution office, the corresponding message is sent out to the corresponding interested parties as e*Mail, SMS or DashBoard form.
The dasboard shows all alert messsages that interest the user. At a glance one can see issues that may need recovery action.
A click on any line links in to the track and trace of the item.
As Alert events take place appropriate messages are despatched to appropriate media such as email or mobile phone.